Learn how to increase the chances of finding a thermal and how to maximize your airtime. This course will be focused on safety and performance in thermic conditions.
Our Thermalling (+ basic XC) Clinic is designed for pilots with little or no thermalling experience. The course will be focused on understanding and safely flying thermals but CFI Rafael Esquillaro will also provide a personal coaching looking at improving your launching, landing and general flying techniques in thermic conditions.

Course’s Program Includes:
- 3 Days of Coaching with CFI Rafael Esquillaro;
- Theory Sessions about the Principles of Thermal Lift;
- Basics, Safety and Performance in thermic conditions;
- Equipment and Vario/GPS setup;
- Weather Forecast and Flight Plan;
- Thermalling Flights with Radio Assistance;
- Flying the Wing to Avoid Emergency Situations;
- How to React in case of Emergency Situations;
- Thermalling Techniques to Increase Efficiency (mapping the thermal and flying the core);
- Reading Terrain Features and looking for Thermal Collectors and Triggers;
- Reading and Understanding Cumulus Cloud formations;
- Flying the Ground x Flying the Clouds;
- Descent Techniques;
- Landing in Thermic Conditions;
- Pos-Flight Debriefing;
- XC Initiation;
- Transport to Launch and Retrieves;
- PG3 Upgrade if requirements are achieved.
Course Requirements:
- SAFA PG2 minimum;
- Ability to Launch and Land Solo;
- Reserve Parachute repacked within last 6 months;
- Variometer/GPS recommended;

COST $850 (includes 3 Days of coaching and as much airtime as possible, transport to launch and retrieves, groups limited to 4 pilots).

0432 543 502
© 2021 SkySurf Paragliding.