Have you ever had a desire to fly like a bird? Paragliding offers the sensation of true free flight. The rapidly growing sport of Paragliding is the most affordable, portable and feasible type of aviation sport.

Our SAFA PG2 Pilot Certification Course (Paragliding Beginner Course) includes up to 9 training days and provides fast skill development and progressive confidence gain. SkySurf Paragliding offers the most up-to-date tuition within the sport of Paragliding in Australia. This course will take you from a total beginner to a competent pilot capable of flying solo safely and with confidence.

SkySurf Paragliding operates all year round and specializes in paragliding training in Wollongong and Canberra. Our courses have a maximum student to instructor ratio of 3:1 and we offer personal tuition with attention to detail. All students receive a lifetime of free mentoring and advice. We provide the most current and effective instructional techniques available, top of the range equipment, and have your safety and enjoyment as our top priorities. 

Our PG2 Licence Course includes:

  • Up to 9 Training Days (extra days are included free of charge in case of unsuitable weather conditions);
  • Comprehensive Theory Lessons with topics such as Paragliding History, Legal Aspects, relationship CASA-SAFA-Local Clubs, Aerodynamics, Emergency Situations and Recovery Procedures, General Flying and Soaring Strategies, Basic Meteorology, Aerology and Overall Safety Considerations;
  • Detailed Equipment Introduction;
  • Aircraft Assembly and Pre-Flight checks;
  • Instructional Tandem Flights;
  • Ground Handling Practice (we give special attention to our students ground handling skills and we believe it is the most important skill for a novice paraglider pilot);
  • Simulator Training Equipment;
  • Forward (Alpine) and Reverse Launch Techniques;
  • Slope Training and Solo Low Glides;
  • Solo High Flights including Launches over 500ft above ground level;
  • Ridge Soaring Flights;
  • “Big Ears”, Rear Riser Steering and Speed System;
  • Thermalling (weather conditions dependent);
  • Top Landing (landing back on launch – weather conditions dependent);
  • SAFA PG2 Workbook, Operations Manual and Instructional DVDs; 
  • Final Theory Test – Multiple choice questions (SAFA PG2 Exam);
  • All Equipment is included (paraglider, harness, helmet and UHF radio);
  • Expert Instructions on Practical and Theory Lessons; 
  • Excellent Students/Instructors ratio (Maximum 3:1);
  • 5% Discount on Equipment Purchases (Paraglider, Harness and Reserve Parachute);
  • Lifetime of Free Mentoring and Advice;
  • SAFA Training Aviation Liability Insurance;
  • LEARN FROM ONE OF THE MOST EXPERIENCED PILOTS and INSTRUCTORS IN AUSTRALIA. (High Level Acrobatic Experience, Flights over 400km and 11 hours airtime, Ranked #3 in the Australian National Ladder 2021, over 13 years experience as a SAFA Paragliding Instructor.)

The course is designed to instruct people with no previous experience to proficient launching, landing and soaring techniques. We offer full time courses over a 9 days period or day by day. We suggest 9 consecutive training days for maximum training efficiency and fast progression. Course dates are set in Canberra and Wollongong throughout the year, but we are happy to start your course at any time. Please contact us to arrange your desired starting date and course schedule. Course schedule can be flexible according to your availability and the weather conditions. 

In order to achieve a SAFA PG2 Pilot Certificate (beginner licence), the student needs to demonstrate adequate competency in all Phases of the SAFA Pilot Training Syllabus through Theory and Practical Assessments. Most people can attain a SAFA PG2 Pilot Certification within 9 training days. 

Cost $2900 Inc GST

 (including up to 9 training days, all equipment to be used during the course, SAFA Aviation Liability Insurance, 5% Discount on Equipment Purchases.)